The Risks and Results of Using Beauty Al Apps

When intersected with beauty, artificial intelligence is often associated with fabricated depictions; this can mean the creation and perpetuation of unrealistic beauty standards caused by filters, editing tools, etc.

For example, the beauty Al photo enhancer app Remini has a tool that allows users to fuse eight to twelve selected photos of themselves with the app's portrait templates. Among these templates are different clothing styles, travel images, airbrushed photoshoots, etc. The app's Al algorithm then creates six options of photos of the user inspired by the template that was selected:

How is Al Used in the Beauty Industry?

The use of beauty Al has recently become a popular trend on TikTok; people are sharing Al-generated headshots of themselves created through Remini #aiheadshot currently has over 100 million views on TikTok- and some are even utilizing the fake images in professional capacities like Linked and on resumes.

While some may say that Al comes in handy in this case (i.e., saving money on professional headshots) there are bigger implications for beauty. Some people are using the images as fitness inspiration to lose weight, aspiring to make a fake image their reality and perpetuating toxic mindsets about beauty standards.

While this Al tool might use one's own face, there are only so many templates these apps can provide. There's a loss of individuality that comes with using these fake templates to create personalized images (i.e. we'll start to see the same headshots swapped with different faces on them).

Ultimately, the loss of individuality that accompanies beauty Al apps like these is detrimental to our understanding of real beauty. Furthermore, Remini's promise that users can "generate stunningly realistic photos of [themselves] that look like they were taken by a professional photographer" is an oxymoron that further places beauty and Al in opposition to one another.

The Beauty of Al: How Visia Skin Analysis Reveals Your Skin's Story

The two terms- beauty and AI often aren't interpreted together in a positive way. That being said, Canfield Scientific In's Visia Skin Analysis Imaging System is a prime example of how Al can be utilized positively in the beauty space to analyze and understand one's skin.

What's different about this intersection between Al and beauty? The Visia Skin Analysis doesn't involve Al-generated images of beauty, but rather, it is an application of biotechnology that uses Al to generate data about real images of people's skin, gathering information from high-res scans of the front, left and right side of the face and translating it into quantifiable information to assess the state and health of one's skin.

Some of the Visia Skin Analysis' Al visual assessment features include:

• Detection for wrinkles , skin type, UV spots, texture, pores, brown spots, red areas, and porphyrins - a buildup of bacteria that get lodged in the pores

• Injection simulations that predict results of treatments

• Aging simulation

• TruSkin age determination which considers all the data about one's skin to give their overall skin condition

• Eyelash analysis

• Percentile scores to see how one's skin compares to others' of their same age and skin type

• 3-D skin viewer

The Visia Skin Analysis also features a product recommendations tool, which curates recommended skincare products based on the specific needs of one's skin - a tool that touches on the broader benefits of applying beauty Al to the skincare market.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to change the online experience with buying skincare and appeal to consumers through the creation of personalized, targeted routines, which suggests that Al is at the forefront of the future of the beauty industry and is an investment well worth it for companies in the beauty space to consider utilizing in a positive way.

Dermatologist Dr. Ellen Marmur's Innovations at MMSkincare

Dr. Ellen Marmur is passionate about incorporating beauty Al into her work as a dermatologist, and she utilizes the Visia Skin Analysis at both Marmur Medical and MMSkincare. The MMSphere™ 2.0 is a light therapy device that utilizes LED photobiomodulation to provide a number of skincare and wellness benefits. The device includes nine settings of five different wavelengths (blue, red, green, amber, and purple).

Dr. Marmur's work includes a pilot study that assessed the effectiveness of the MMSphere's green low level light therapy (LLLT) on five healthy, adult subjects over the course of six weeks. Throughout the course of the study, each participant used the MMSphere's green LLLT (524 nm) on one side of their face for twenty minutes daily, three to five times per week.

At the end of the study period, biopsies were taken on both the treated and untreated sides of the participants' faces, and RNA sequencing was used to analyze the facial tissue and conclude the photobiomodulation effects of green LLLT, such as the pregulation of wound-healing pathways.

This analysis further supported the beauty Al conclusions of the Visia Skin Analysis' before and after scans of the green LLLT-treated side of each participant's face; the imaging system was used to assess the benefits of green LLLT and enhance Dr. Marmur's philosophy of Preservation Aging®.

The Future of Skin Age Preservation is Now

The proof is in the before and after images shared below Visia Skin Analysis reveals measurable differences and improvements to skin after having used the MMSphere™2.0. This advanced imaging technology, along with the use of Al, empowers personalized skincare and enables you to achieve your skin health goals at MMSkincare. Let your natural radiance shine as evidence of the transformative power of expert-led skincare in the era of artificial intelligence.