How Does the Environment Affect Your Skin?

A person's environment, which includes physical, chemical, and biological factors, can have a major effect on their skin, such as environmental damage, to the skin.

UV Radiation

One of the main ways the skin is physically affected is by the sun. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause damage to the skin, leading to sunburn, premature aging - including wrinkles and fine lines, and an increased risk of skin cancer.

Outside Temperature

The temperature outside can also play a part in hurting the skin, as extreme temperatures lead to various problems. Particularly cold and dry weather can cause the skin to become cracked and irritated. Strong winds also can strip away the skin's natural moisture, causing dryness and skin lesions.

Air Quality

High humidity can lead to sweat accumulation and can worsen conditions such as acne or fungal infections. Air pollution can also affect skin, as pollutants such as particulate matter and ozone can adhere to the skin's surface, leading to clogged pores and inflammation.

Understanding Various Kinds of Environmental Damage to Skin

Environmental damage to the skin can also occur when coming into contact with any harsh chemicals like those found in cleaning agents or industrial substances. These can harm the skin, leading to irritation or allergic reactions.

Environmental allergens, such as pollen, mold, or pet dander can trigger allergies in select individuals, which can cause hives, eczema or other skin conditions.

Water quality can also impact the skin, as hard or chlorinated water is harsh on the skin and leads to dryness. Lastly, high altitudes can lead to skin disorders caused by increased UV exposure.

Minimizing Environmental Damage to Skin

Suncare is one of the most important things a person can practice to improve skin health, as excess sun exposure is the most common factor that leads to skin damage, diseases, and wrinkles.

Teenagers especially need to start being more aware, as the majority of sun damage is received by age 18. Less than one-third of American youth actively use sun protection according to the Centers for Disease Control. More sunburns as a teen lead to a greater chance of acquiring skin cancer as an adult, so this is a big issue that teens seem to disregard.

General tips that you should follow to protect your skin is to use minimum SPF 30 sunscreen reapply it every two hours if constantly in the sun, and cover your skin if possible. Simple measures can be taken to limit the sun damage on your skin, and doing this as a teen is extra important for your future prospects.

Implementing Easy Methods to Reduce Environmental Damage to Skin

Understanding the intricacies of environmental damage gives us the knowledge to properly protect and care for our skin. From practicing sun safety, to minimizing exposure to harsh chemicals, our daily choices and everyday skincare essentials shape the resilience and health of our skin.

Investing in safe skincare is always a good idea! At MMSkincare, we are here to help educate and provide you with clean, safe skincare.